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Winter season

Winter Winter Winter

Winter time for me is full of light, full of bright because of Christmas and new year. I just want to spend my time sitting on couch with hot chai (tea) wow!!! really i cant do this :( because of my little one....  I loved about this winter is shopping, grabbed all the things i wanted, loved the concept of thanksgiving discounts in US... Apart from this i enjoyed eating, i started liking even a simple dish like lemon rice, dal rice, this ''winter''  made me a foodie. But i made a big mistake, i committed a sin!  a sin of preparing fried food, ho noo now i gained my weight, the only one punishment for this sin is exercise exercise and lots of exercise..... i feel like i will be not forgiven  for this sin, loosing weight is really difficult if you are a big foodie. Hope for the best, will I be forgiven?....
Winter is the season when the whole world seems to go to sleep. The weather is cold and the trees and plants seem to be dead. Since there is nothing else to do, it is a time  to work hard. There isn't much else to do and the weather suggest that we must do the things that we have been avoiding because of many hurdles and circumstances  . This is not a bad thing. It can very satisfying to work hard and be creative. Creativity is part of our makeup. Without a purpose in our lives, depression would quickly set in. I just wanted to come out of this winter depression. I just wanna create what i love and over come this winter..

You can only enjoy the sunny crispy summer after experiencing your cold chill winter.....  --Shalini               


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