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Work Life Balance

Each and every person talk about work life balance and  importance of achieving work life balance. Is it a easy task? in my openion trying to find perfect balance is like a waste effords, but we can try to overcome imbalance.

In this compitative world surviving in a job is a challenging task, expectation on employees is increasing day by day, you are urged to do work more faster with limited resources. This is one part of your life which is very important and the other is your personal life ie. family, friends and society life, personal life also includes your hobby, your passion, quality time with your children,taking care of your body, mind and spirit and list goes on and on. Now a days balancing your work and personal life is becoming like achieving a goal, one goal you achieve another goal will be behind you like a shadow. 

What would be the consiquences of not balancing your work and life, it effects in both area in your work place as well as at home. If you are concentrating more on your family life and less on work, you feel guilt that you are not concentrating on your career properly, you feel unhappy when you spend time with your family, am i rite? When you concentrate on your work and career more and neglecting other aspects of your life which lead to mental health problem you work more and more, no refreshment, no caring, no affection which leads to  feel depressed, feel anxious, you feel irritated about your job. I don't want to scare you or remember you all those problems which encountered. i will directly go to the solution ie how to over come the imbalance .

 A person who is a workaholic and does not enjoy his family life cannot be termed a successful person. When a life encounters such imbalance then the peace and harmony of life vanishes and there is an adverse effect of it on the work life too. To avoid such situation one should always try to avoid this imbalance in life. The transition from work life imbalance to work life balance has obvious benefits to an organization and its employees at work and  home.

The question is how to maintain balance....Maintaining balane is not only in the hands of a single person, organization also plays a crucial role,Organization  can create a work/life balance culture, have the best programs and services in place but it is up to you to use them. Organization should not have any control over employees 
when they leave office after work . They can choose to stay home  or use their time off to be a couch potato, channel surf and sleep. They can live on fatty foods,smoke and booze they can enjoy their time away from home, engage in hobbies, exercise, eat well,be happy, healthy and come back to work with renewed passion and energy. What i ment to say is no work after office hours, organization should make sure that they are not assigning any work after office hours .

They should also provide flexi work time...Flex time, in such forms as longer work days so that employees either work four days a week or have every other Friday off; allowing employees to start work early in the morning so they can leave early or they start later and stay later; or, job sharing and work from home options.

Gym, grocery shop, Health clinic should be provided in work campus itself, so that employees can save time.
Childcare support: on-site, company should provide crutch facility for infants or contracts for discounts from external providers in locations close to work or employees homes.
These are some basic facilities organization should provide to maintain work and life balance, is these enough to balance?

Now a days  both mother and father working has become as an necessary in this costly  life and lifestyle, but its effecting on kids. Unhappy kids means imbalance in your life. Parents are the most important agents of socialization for their kids. They are a channel of values and codes of behavior. The reason they have the biggest influence over their kids is that more than any other agent (teachers, family members and friends), they are the best at keeping their kids' interests.In recent years, the challenge of parenting has increased together along with the decrease of hours spent with the kids. Working parents spend less time with their kids, in that they take care of their basic needs (feeding and cleaning), help them with homework but have little time for fun. In such a lifestyle, there is no place for close, happy parenting. What ever you do, your kids are always watching, listening and paying attention to what you do. When their turn comes to be parents, they will most likely do it like you. Parents are the only one source to stuff all the family values in your kids, that they can learn only in your presence, family values cannot be restored in short time.

I am not saying that any one parent should stay at home and take care of kids, but i want to say is mother should choose a job were working hours is less, scheduled according to kids school time. ( why only mother i needn't explain it i hope every one know that) For your kids' and family's sake, next time you need to choose whether or not to stay at work one more hour, come early to work, take a job with over an hour of commute, bring work home or open a business - think twice. It may be the norm that kids do not see their parents enough, but it does not have to be like that for you.Choose a proper job where it should not effect your partner or kid. ( You say proudly i get xyz lakhs per annual , but how much hours you need to work to get that salary?  no time to spend with your family and no time to spend your money too.) 

When you first started reading, you may have been looking for work-life balance tips. I want you to know I was going to offer some, but then I realized that work-life balance is a matter of priority/attitude/mindset. When emotional wellbeing is more important than physical comfort, when having good great relationships with your partner and your kids is more important than achieving financial goals, you will find your own way and you will be satisfied too....
Choose proper job is the only solution.............
Hope you people liked this article, let me know by your comment.....


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